Wednesday, November 23rd

The strength of the soul consists in its faculties, passions and desires, all of which are governed by the will. Now when these  faculties, passions and desires are directed by the will toward God, and turned away from all that is not God, then the strength of the soul is…

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Monday, November 21st

A person makes progress only by imitating Christ, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one goes to the Father but through him, as he states himself in St. John [Jn. 14:6]. Elsewhere he says: I am the door; anyone who enters by me shall be saved…

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Sunday, November 20th

Reflect that the most delicate flower loses its fragrance and withers fastest; therefore guard yourself against seeking to walk in a spirit of delight, for you will not be constant. Choose rather for yourself a robust spirit, detached from everything, and you will discover abundant peace and sweetness, for delicious…

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Friday, November 18th

…Though one must indeed be pure before appearing in the sight of the All-Holy God, still I know that He is infinitely just, and the very justice which terrifies so many souls is the source of all my confidence and joy. Justice is not only stern severity towards the guilty;…

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Wednesday, November 16th

Show us, then, O our good Master, some way in which we may live through this most dangerous warfare without frequent surprise. The best way that we can do this, daughters, is to use the love and fear given us by His Majesty. For love will make us quicken our…

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Monday, November 14th

My life begins anew each morning and ends each evening; beyond that I have no plans or intentions; that is, it may be part of one’s daily duties to plan ahead, but one must never worry about the next day. -St. Teresa Benedicta

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