Saturday, December 3rd

The understanding aids by showing that however many years life might last, no one could ever wish for a better friend than God; that the world is full of falsehood, and that the worldly pleasures pictured by the devil to the mind were but troubles and cares and annoyances in…

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Wednesday, November 30th

Each day Jesus nourishes me with His adorable Body and, together with this delicate food, I hear a sweet and soft voice like the harmonious echoes of the angels of heaven. This a the voice that guides me, that loosens the sails of the ship of my soul. And in…

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Tuesday, November 29th

… nothing good in us springs from ourselves but comes from the waters of grace near which the soul remains like a tree planted beside a river, and from that Sun which gives life to our works. She realized this so vividly that on seeing any good deed performed by…

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Sunday, November 27th

I know, too, that our bodies are not the chief factors in the work we have before us; they are accessory: extreme humility is the principal point. It is the want of this, I believe, that stops people’s progress. It may seem that we have made but little way: we…

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Saturday, November 26th

You must needs apply your mind to him alone and in him alone content yourself, that in him you may find all consolation. Although God is always with us, if we set our hearts on other things besides him we cannot be at peace. -St. John of the Cross

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Friday, November 25th

Frequent combing gives the hair more luster and makes it easier to comb; a soul that frequently examines its thoughts, words, and deeds, which are its hair, doing all things for the love of God, will have lustrous hair. Then the Bridegroom will look on the neck of the bride…

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