Sunday, May 21st

I only want you to be warned, that if you would progress a long way on this road and ascend to the Mansions of your desire, the important thing is not to think much, but to love much. -St. Teresa of Avila

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Saturday, May 20th

Death can hold no bitterness for the soul that loves. It brings with it all the sweetness and delights of love. There is no sadness in the remembrance of it when it opens the door to all joy. -St. John of the Cross

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Friday, May 19th

…when desire and concupiscence are quenched, the soul lives in spiritual tranquility and peace; for, where desire and concupiscence reign not, there is no disturbance, but peace and consolation of God. -St. John of the Cross

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Thursday, May 18th

Live by will rather than by imagination. If you feel your weakness, God wants you to make use of it in order to make acts of the will which you will offer Him as so many acts of love…He so loves you and He so wants you for His own,…

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Tuesday, May 16th

The soul that is attached to anything however much good there may be in it, will not arrive at the liberty of divine union. For whether it be a strong wire rope or a slender and delicate thread that holds the bird, it matters not, if it really holds it…

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