Friday, February 14th

Jesus,…wills to receive a gift from you. He knows it is much sweeter to give than to receive. We have only the short moment of this life to give to God…and He is already preparing to say: ‘Now my turn.’ What a joy to suffer for Him who loves us…

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Wednesday, February 12th

Each day Jesus nourishes me with His adorable Body and, together with this delicate food, I hear a sweet and soft voice like the harmonious echoes of the angels of heaven. This a the voice that guides me, that loosens the sails of the ship of my soul. And in…

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Tuesday, February 11th

A person makes progress only by imitating Christ, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one goes to the Father but through him, as he states himself in St. John [Jn. 14:6]. Elsewhere he says: I am the door; anyone who enters by me shall be saved…

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Monday, February 10th

If your nature provides you with … a battleground, do not be discouraged … love your wretchedness, for it is upon that that God exercises His mercy! When the sight of it plunges you into sadness, or drives you in upon yourself, that is self-love. In your hours of weakness,…

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Sunday, February 9th

If you want to find a hidden treasure you must enter the hiding place secretly, and once you have discovered it, you will also be hidden just as the treasure is hidden. Since, then, your beloved Bridegroom is the treasure hidden in a field for which the wise merchant sold…

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Saturday, February 8th

I do not wish to store up merits for heaven, I want to work for Thy Love alone, with the single goal of pleasing Thee, of bringing consolation to Thy Sacred Heart and of saving souls who Thou wilt love eternally. – Pere Jacques

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Friday, February 7th

One must erase the word discouragement from one’s dictionary of love; the more you sense your weakness and meet with difficulties in your recollection, the more Our Lord seems hidden — all the more you ought to rejoice for then you are giving to Him. – St. Elizabeth of the…

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Thursday, February 6th

When we have a friend in our home, we don’t leave him alone; but from time to time, even when we are busy, we try to go to him to speak to him. Do the same with Jesus. In the beginning it will be hard to recollect yourself, but afterwards…

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Wednesday, February 5th

…we render God the most true and acceptable service by caring only for His honor and glory and forgetting ourselves, our advantages, comfort and happiness. How can we be self-oblivious, while keeping ourselves under such strict control that we are afraid to move, or even to think, or to leave…

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