Monday, February 24th
God is compassionate and filled with gentleness, slow to punish and abundant in mercy, for He knows our frailty, He remembers we are dust. -St. Therese
God is compassionate and filled with gentleness, slow to punish and abundant in mercy, for He knows our frailty, He remembers we are dust. -St. Therese
There is no companionship which affords comfort to the soul that longs for God; indeed, until she finds Him everything causes greater solitude. – St. John of the Cross
See that you are not suddenly saddened by the adversities of this world, for you do not know the good they bring, being ordained in the judgments of God for the everlasting joy of the elect. – St. John of the Cross
Do as perfectly as you can the tasks of your everyday life, even the most trivial. It is quite simple. Follow Our Lord like a little child. I skip after him as best I can. I put my trust in him and abandon all care. -St. Titus Brandsma
Holiness does not consist in this or that practice; it consists in a disposition of the heart, which makes us always humble and little in the arms of God, well aware of our feebleness, but boldly confident in the Father’s goodness. – St. Therese
If you know how to accept the trials, worries, sufferings, and fatigue arranged by God throughout the days and hours of life, you will practice a lot of asceticism, and you will not have to look for more of it. -Bl.-Pere Marie-Eugene of the Child Jesus, OCD
You do much more by saying one word of the Our Father from time to time than by rushing through the entire prayer many times. You are very close to the One you petition; He will not fail to hear you. And believe that herein lies the true praise and…
We must sweeten our minds by charitable thoughts. After that, the practice of patience will become almost natural. – St. Therese
The soul which has no other aim than the perfect observance of the law of God and the carrying of the cross of Christ will be a true ark, containing the true manna which is God. -St. John of the Cross
Humility has an excellent feature: when it is present in a work, that work does not leave in the soul a feeling of frustration. – St. Teresa of Avila