Tuesday, September 5th

Some of these beginners, too, make little of their faults, and at other times become over-sad when they see themselves fall into them, thinking themselves to have been saints already; and thus they become angry and impatient with themselves, which is another imperfection. – St. John of the Cross

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Wednesday, August 30th

Each morn You come to me at early Mass, Your flesh and blood become my food and drink; And wonders are accomplished. Your body permeates mine mysteriously, I feel Your soul becoming one with mine: I am no longer what I used to be. You come and go, but still…

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Tuesday, August 29th

For, after all the efforts of the soul, it cannot by its unaided labors make itself fitted for union with God in love.  God must take it to Himself into His own hands and purify it in the dark fire. -St. John of the Cross

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