Friday, January 26th
It is that much harder to let what belongs to us be taken without asking for it back. But the moment we accept this, we feel how light the burden is. – St. Therese
It is that much harder to let what belongs to us be taken without asking for it back. But the moment we accept this, we feel how light the burden is. – St. Therese
When I see souls very earnest in trying to understand the prayer they have and very sullen when they are in it- for it seems they don’t dare let their minds move or stir lest a bit of their spiritualdelight and devotion be lost- it makes me realize how little…
His Majesty, in saying that the soul is made in His own image, makes it almost impossible for us to understand the sublime dignity and beauty of the soul. – St. Teresa of Avila
They condemn others in their heart when they see that they have not the kind of devotion which they themselves desire; and sometimes they even say this in words, herein resembling the Pharisee, who boasted of himself, praising God for his own good works and despising the publican. -St. John…
When it seems to you that the little bark of your soul is about to break, throw out into the sea of tribulation the anchor of hope and have confidence in the divine help. Have no fear that the most merciful God will allow himself to be surpassed by your…
The cataracts of heaven are always open to send down grace, but we do not have the mouth of our desire open to receive it. -St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi
…not with the noise of words but with longing that He hears us. – St. Teresa of Avila
If a person is not quite blind, that person often refuses to be led by a guide. Since he sees a little, he thinks it is best to go in whatever direction he can distinguish because he sees no better direction. So he can lead astray a guide who sees…
He hollows out abysses in my soul, abysses He alone can fill. – St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
I only want you to be warned, that if you would progress a long way on this road and ascend to the Mansions of your desire, the important thing is not to think much, but to love much. -St. Teresa of Avila