Sunday, August 5th

Faith is obscure knowledge; it thus leads us to knowledge of something, but this something we do not get to see. This is the reason why it must also be said that the end we attain by way of faith is also itself a night: God, even in ecstatic union,…

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Saturday, August 4th

It is clear, then, that for the soul to come to unite itself perfectly with God through love and will, it must first be free from all desire of the will, howsoever slight. That is, that it must not intentionally and knowingly consent with the will to imperfections, and it…

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Friday, August 3rd

There is no reason to marvel at God’s granting such sublime and strange gifts to souls he determines to favor. If we consider that He is God and that He bestows them as God, with infinite love and goodness, it does not seem unreasonable. – St. John of the Cross

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Thursday, August 2nd

I have no other means of proving my love for you other than that of strewing flowers, that is, not allowing one little sacrifice to escape, not one look, one word, profiting by all the smallest things and doing them through love. – St. Therese

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Tuesday, July 31st

We are like so many foolish peasant lads: we think we know something of Thee, yet it must be comparatively nothing, for there are profound secrets even in ourselves of which we know naught. -St. Teresa of Avila

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Monday, July 30th

The bread of life that we need each day to augment eternal life in us renders our will a docile instrument of the divine will, establishes in us the kingdom of God, and purifies our lips and heart to glorify His holy name. – St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)

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Friday, July 27th

Knowing, O my God, that my sins made Your cross so heavy that You had to sink beneath it, this makes me even more convinced that I must carry my cross together with You and that I should not shy away from it, even should I sink beneath its weight.…

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