Monday, June 18th
Through the centuries, the visible events of the Church’s history are always prepared in the silent dialogues of souls consecrated with His Blood. – St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)
Through the centuries, the visible events of the Church’s history are always prepared in the silent dialogues of souls consecrated with His Blood. – St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)
To remain in prayer without obtaining any advantage is not lost time, but a season of great gain, because then we labor without interest, and only for the glory of God. And though at first it may seem as if we labored in vain, it is not so; but it…
One thing is certain, that we are living in our present time and place in order to accomplish our salvation and that of those entrusted to us. – St. Teresa Bendicta (Edith Stein)
It is not because I am good that our Lord granted me these favors, but that His goodness might be made manifest. Although I was so unworthy of grace, this Adorable Master sought me out that even when I was least occupied with the thought of Him, in order that…
There are not two doctrines of St. John of the Cross, one for religious and one for seculars; there is only one, which applies to all Christians indiscriminately and does not require a special state of life, but only a disposition of will, namely the disposition of not wanting to…
The soul has made known the manner of preparing oneself to begin this journey: to pursue delights and satisfactions no longer, and to overcome temptations and difficulties through fortitude. This is the practice of self-knowledge, the first requirement of advancing to the knowledge of God. – St. John of the…
We object when He hands us the chalice of His suffering. It is so difficult for us to resign ourselves to suffering. To rejoice in it strikes us as heroic. What is the value of our offering of self if we unite ourselves each morning only in word and gesture,…
He knows our nature; he takes it into consideration and therefore he has given us everything which can help us to reach our goal. -St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)
A Praise of Glory is a silent soul, which remains like a lyre beneath the mysterious touch of the Holy Spirit, so that He may call forth divine harmonies from it. -St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
The good God says to me, “Give always without concerning yourself with results.” -St. Therese