Sunday, November 4th

Once after receiving Communion I was given understanding of how the Father receives within our soul the most holy Body of Christ, and of how I know and have seen that these divine Persons are present, and of how pleasing to the Father this offering of His Son is. –…

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Saturday, November 3rd

I long to behold the light of his gaze. Oh! What splendor must shine in his eyes! In contemplating this Only Begotten of the Father I will have the Three and I will have all of Heaven! He will make his light shine in my soul, He will purify me…

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Thursday, November 1st

Now let us talk about the detachment we ought to have, for detachment, if it is practiced with perfection, includes everything. I say it includes everything because if we embrace the Creator and care not at all for the whole of creation, His Majesty will infuse the virtues. Doing little…

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Wednesday, October 31st

When you’re suffering, look at Jesus. He is loving you with tenderness, because you are participating in his cross, in the cross He carried in His most divine Heart from Bethlehem to Calvary. Place yourself and everything around you in that Heart of Jesus. Lie abandoned to His holy Will.…

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Monday, October 29th

It seems to the soul that the entire universe is a sea of love in which it is engulfed, for conscious of the living point or center of love within itself, it is unable to catch sight of the boundaries of this love. -St. John of the Cross

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