Thursday, October 3rd
He shall tire more quickly of making me wait than I shall tire of waiting for Him. – St. Therese
He shall tire more quickly of making me wait than I shall tire of waiting for Him. – St. Therese
Merit is not to be found in doing much or in giving much, but rather in receiving and in loving much. It is said that it is far sweeter to give than to receive, and this is true. But when Jesus wants for Himself the sweetness of giving, it would…
If we abandon ourselves, and place our confidence in God, while making every small effort and hoping for everything from His mercy, we shall be rewarded as much as the greatest saints. -St. Therese
The safest way is to want only what God wants. He knows more than we ourselves do, and He loves us. Let us place ourselves in His hands so that His will may be done in us, and we cannot err if with a determined will we always maintain this…
Thus if you should at times fall, don’t become discouraged and stop striving to advance. For even from this fall God will draw out some good… – St. Teresa of Avila
… the soul (possessing a will the more generous and free the more it is united with God) gives to God, God himself in God; and this is a true and complete gift of the soul to God. -St. John of the Cross
It would be a mistake to think that the period of mental prayer should be different from any other. – Br. Lawrence
In the exercise of this self denial everything else, and even more, is discovered and accomplished. If one fails in this exercise, the root and sum total of all the virtues, the other methods would amount to no more than going about in circles without getting anywhere, even were one…
As a result the soul recognizes the truth about its misery, of which it was formerly ignorant. When it was walking in festivity, gratification, consolation, and support in God, it was more content, believing that it was serving God in some way. Though this idea of serving God may not…
Pray that the best portion of your life may not be overshadowed by idle fears. We have only life’s brief moments to spend for the glory of God, and well does Satan know it. That is why he employs every ruse to make us consume them in useless labour. Dear…