Sunday, December 15th

Often they beseech God, with great yearnings, that He will take from them their imperfections and faults, but they do this that they may find themselves at peace, and may not be troubled by them, rather than for God’s sake; not realizing that, if He should take their imperfections from…

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Saturday, December 14th

And in this elevation of all things through the Incarnation of his Son and through the glory of his resurrection according to the flesh not only did the Father beautify creatures partially, but, we can say, he clothed them entirely in beauty and dignity. – St. John of the Cross

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Wednesday, December 11th

There is no way to catch in words the sublime things of God…The appropriate language for the person receiving these favors is that he understand them, experience them within himself, enjoy them, and be silent. – St. John of the Cross

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Monday, December 9th

I like to find at least a few moments each day spent in doing good for others out of love for God. These few moments, almost noticeably used, bring something like rays of peace and comfort behind them; they unite us with people and God by a pure feeling of…

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Sunday, December 8th

And I saw a river over which every soul must pass to reach the Kingdom of Heaven, and the name of that river was suffering…and then I saw a boat which carried souls across the river, and the name of the boat was Love. -St. John of the Cross

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Saturday, December 7th

I wish…I could help you find consolation near the Cross. In its shadow, every kind of bitterness fades. No one has suffered like Jesus has and, from His cross, He teaches us to bear with every pain in silence and in resignation. From the cross and with open arms He…

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Friday, December 6th

Good works wrought in the season of spiritual dryness and hardness are like the freshness of the winter morning. What we then do for God in dryness of spirit is most precious in His eyes. It is then that we acquire abundant virtues and graces, and what we achieve with…

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