Friday, October 23rd
The practice of humility consists not only in thinking and saying that you are full of faults, but in rejoicing because others think and say the same thing about you. – St. Therese
The practice of humility consists not only in thinking and saying that you are full of faults, but in rejoicing because others think and say the same thing about you. – St. Therese
Lonely valleys are quiet, pleasant, cool, shady and flowing with fresh waters; in the variety of their groves and in the sweet song of the birds, they afford abundant recreation and delight…and in their solitude and silence they refresh and give rest. These valleys are what my Beloved is to…
The world’s thy ship and not thy home. – St. Therese
Let us struggle without respite. Let us go on, however much we are tired of the struggle. Where would our merit be if we fought only when we feel courageous? – St. Therese
Nothing is accomplished without effort, without struggle. In our better moments, we no longer shed tears over our own weaknesses or over those of others, but we recall what was interiorly said to St. Paul: My grace is sufficient for you; in union with me you can do all things.…
It is in the effects and deeds following afterward that one discerns the true value of prayer. -St. Teresa of Avila
Believe in His love, His exceeding love, as St. Paul says. Nourish your soul on the great thoughts of faith which will reveal to you all its richness and the end for which God has created you! -St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
Jesus loves a cheerful heart. He loves persons who are always smiling. – St. Therese
My father was fond of reading good books…These good books together with the care my mother took to have us pray and be devoted to out Lady and to some of the saints began to awaken me. – St. Teresa of Avila
The power and the tenacity of love is great, for love captures and binds God Himself. – St. John of the Cross