Sunday, April 25th

If your nature provides you with … a battleground, do not be discouraged … love your wretchedness, for it is upon that that God exercises His mercy! When the sight of it plunges you into sadness, or drives you in upon yourself, that is self-love. In your hours of weakness,…

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Saturday, April 24th

We often think we receive graces and are divinely illuminated by means of brilliant candles. But from whence comes their light? From prayers, perhaps, of some humble, hidden soul, whose inward shining is not apparent to human eyes. – St. Therese

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Friday, April 23rd

When I am in this state of spiritual dryness, unable to pray, or to practice virtue, I look for little opportunities, for the smallest trifles, to give pleasure to Jesus; a smile or a kind word, for instance, when I would wish to be silent, or to show that I…

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Thursday, April 22nd

It seems to the soul that the entire universe is a sea of love in which it is engulfed, for conscious of the living point or center of love within itself, it is unable to catch sight of the boundaries of this love. -St. John of the Cross

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Wednesday, April 21st

Let there be nothing we know of which it would be a service to the Lord for us to do, and which, with His help, we would not venture to take in hand. I should like that kind of venturesomeness to be found in this house, as it always increases…

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Tuesday, April 20th

Because we are so miserable, we become attached to sensible fervor, to experiencing the love of God sensibly, and often we go to prayer in search of the sensible consolation of God but not for God Himself. – St. Teresa of the Andes

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Monday, April 19th

Do you know what it means to be truly spiritual? It means becoming the slaves of God. Marked with His brand, which is that of the cross, spiritual persons, because now they have given Him their liberty, can be sold by Him as slaves of everyone as He was. –…

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Sunday, April 18th

Carmelites can repay God’s love by their everyday lives in no other way than by carrying out their daily duties faithfully in every respect; all the little sacrifices…day after day…and achieved with a loving smile; letting no opportunity go by for serving others in love. -St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)…

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Saturday, April 17th

It benefits me little to be alone making acts of devotion to our Lord, proposing and promising to do wonders in his service, if I then go away and when the occasion offers itself do everything the opposite. If his Majesty showed us his love by means of such works…

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Friday, April 16th

When one is in the midst of business matters, and in times of persecutions and trials, when one can’t maintain so much quietude, and in times of dryness, Christ is a very good friend…He is company for us. Once we have the habit, it is very easy to find Him…

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