Wednesday, May 5th

He who does not hold the reins of his whole being tightly in his hand is not at all at the height where he can make his decisions with true Freedom: on the contrary he will always be subject to exterior influences. – St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)

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Tuesday, May 4th

As in the desolation of His death, Jesus delivered Himself into the hands of the invisible and incomprehensible God, so the soul ought to do, throwing itself headlong into the pitch darkness of faith, which is the only passable way toward the incomprehensible God. – St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)

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Monday, May 3rd

The God I serve is a living God… A life of prayer is the essence of the Carmelite vocation; the heart to heart communion that never ends, because when one loves, one no longer belongs to oneself but to the Beloved, and so lives more in Him than in oneself.…

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Sunday, May 2nd

There is much to fathom in Christ, for He is like an abundant mine with many recesses of treasures, so that however deep people go they never reach the end … but rather in every recess find new veins with new riches everywhere. – St. John of the Cross

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Friday, April 30th

He (God) lives in some as though in his own house, commanding and ruling everything; and in others as though a stranger in a strange house, where they do not permit him to give orders or do anything. -St. John of the Cross

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Wednesday, April 28th

With bold surrender, it wishes to remain gazing upon the Divine Sun. Nothing will frighten it, neither wind nor rain, and if dark clouds come and hide the Star of Love, the little bird will not change its place because it knows that beyond the clouds its bright Sun still…

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Tuesday, April 27th

Some beginners, too, make light of their faults, and at other times indulge in immoderate grief when they commit them. They thought themselves already saints, and so they become angry and impatient with themselves, which is another great imperfection. – St. John of the Cross

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