Saturday, May 15th
The tree that is beside the running water is fresher and gives more fruit. – St. Teresa of Avila
The tree that is beside the running water is fresher and gives more fruit. – St. Teresa of Avila
Stay with me, Jesus, my delight, Your presence near makes all things right. -Bl. Titus Brandsma
When I see souls very earnest in trying to understand the prayer they have and very sullen when they are in it- for it seems they don’t dare let their minds move or stir lest a bit of their spiritualdelight and devotion be lost- it makes me realize how little…
The nothingness of me is strangely loved: Sustaining ever The all of love, my need is strangely here: Departing never. – St. Therese
God is ready to pardon a sinner who humbles himself. He looks with more love on a soul who returns to Him in Humility, than on a faithful soul who finds pleasure in its virtues. – Bl. Mary of Jesus Crucified
The bread of life that we need each day to augment eternal life in us renders our will a docile instrument of the divine will, establishes in us the kingdom of God, and purifies our lips and heart to glorify His holy name. – St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)
The will of God is spiritual food that strengthens the soul who willingly gives herself to Him. -St. Teresa de los Andes
Source of peace and light, come and enlighten me. I am hungry, come and feed me; thirsty, come and refresh me; blind, come and give me sight; poor, come and enrich me;ignorant, come and instruct me. Holy Spirit, I abandon myself to You. -St. Mary of Jesus Crucified
Seeing the silence which reigns in His creature, observing how it is wholly recollected in its interior solitude, the Creator greatly desires its beauty. He leads it into the immense, infinite solitude, into that spacious place of which the Psalmist sings, which is His very self. ‘I will enter into…
Through the annihilation and calming of my faculties, passions, appetites, and affections, by which my experience of God was base, I went from my human operation and way of acting to God’s operation and way of acting. – St. John of the Cross