Sunday, September 12th
The soul who places her hope in God has nothing to fear, because He will overcome all her obstacles and all her difficulties. -St. Teresa de los Andes
The soul who places her hope in God has nothing to fear, because He will overcome all her obstacles and all her difficulties. -St. Teresa de los Andes
Forgetting yourself with respect to your health does not mean neglecting to take care of yourself, for that is your duty and the best of penances, but do it with great abandonment, saying ‘thank you’ to God no matter what happens. When your soul is burdened and fatigued by the…
In the measure in which the God-man is known, one goes on loving Him with madness. Id’ like you to know this so you may truly fall in love with Him. How can we not love that Jesus with all our soul? He who is uncreated Beauty; He is eternal…
On another day the Lord told me this: Do you think, daughter that merit lies in enjoyment? No, rather it lies in working and suffering and loving…When you see My Mother holding Me in her arms, don’t think she enjoyed those consolations without heavy torment. From the time Simeon spoke…
Have great love for trials and think of them as but a small way of pleasing your Spouse, Who did not hesitate to die for you. – St. John of the Cross
The cross is not an end in itself. It beckons one toward the summit. Therefore it is not only a standard, it is also Christ’s powerful weapon, the triumphal symbol with which He knocks at the gate of heaven and throws it wide. – St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)
The dark night becomes the school of all the virtues: it trains one to resignation, to patience, from the moment that one is faithful to the spiritual life without finding consolation and refreshment in it. The soul attains a high degree of love of God, inasmuch as it acts solely…
Spiritual substance cannot be communicated to the senses, and anything imparted to the sense, especially in this life, cannot be pure spirit, since sense is incapable of it. -St. John of the Cross
O my beloved Christ, crucified by love, I wish to be a bride for Your Heart; I wish to cover You with glory; I wish to love You…even unto death! But I feel my weakness, and I ask You to “clothe me with Yourself,” to identify my soul with all…
I beg you, oh, mark everything with the seal of love! It alone endures. -St. Elizabeth of the Trinity