Friday, March 18th
The power and the tenacity of love is great, for love captures and binds God Himself. – St. John of the Cross
The power and the tenacity of love is great, for love captures and binds God Himself. – St. John of the Cross
“Look and see if there is a sorrow equal to mine,” we think we are not capable of looking at it. Our soul rebels when it sees You unclothed, beaten and bruised, broken into bits to the extent that there is nothing in Your body that might be called “healthy.”…
The soul in this state must remember that if it is not conscious of making progress, it is making much more than when it was walking on foot, because God Himself is bearing it in His arms. Although outwardly it is doing nothing, it is in reality doing more than…
Never complain of anyone, but turn the complaints against yourself; because if you do not succeed in doing what you long to do, how can you complain if others fail? -St. Teresa Margaret Redi
Even in the world, one can listen to Him in the silence of a heart that only wants to be His. -St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
I don’t know what happens to me when I contemplate Our God exiled in the tabernacles for love of His creatures who forget and offend Him. I’d like to live till the end of the world by suffering together with the Divine Prisoner. -St. Teresa de los Andes
After God places these three last kinds of good in the soul, he no longer remembers her former ugliness and sin, as he declares through Ezekiel [Ez. 18:22], for on account of these goods she is very agreeable to him. And once he has blotted out this sin and ugliness,…
It is in that soul in which less of its own appetites and pleasures dwell that He dwells more alone, more pleased, and more as though in His own house, ruling and governing it. -St. John of the Cross
Don’t be troubled when you’re busy like you are now…You can pray to God while working. It’s enough to think of Him. -St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
There may come a day when my glory will sing to Him, and when my conscience will not feel compunction, where all sighs and fears will have ceased; but in the meantime, in silence and hope will be my strength. – St. Teresa of Avila