Sunday, February 27th

Mary, who kept all God’s words in her heart, in the fullness of grace granted her, understood the great value of suffering. While the apostles fled,she went out to meet the Saviour on the way to Calvary and stood beneath the cross, in order to share His grief and shame…

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Saturday, February 26th

How is it that we do not die of love in seeing that God Himself could do no more than shed His divine blood for us drop by drop? When as man He was preparing for death, He made Himself our food in order to give us life. God becomes…

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Thursday, February 24th

If a man puts anything in his line of vision, however small, it is enough to obstruct his sight and prevent him from seeing other things in front of him; just so any small desire or idle act in the soul is sufficient to obstruct its vision of great and…

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Wednesday, February 23rd

Believe, daughter, that My Father gives greater trials to anyone whom He loves more; and love responds to these. How can I show you greater love than by desiring for you what I have desired for Myself? Behold these wounds, for your sufferings have never reached this point. Suffering is…

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Monday, February 21st

Let us nourish a filial fear of offending God, the same kind of fear that a child has for its father it fears to displease, not because of punishment but because he knows that his father loves him and endures him. -St. Teresa de los Andes

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Saturday, February 19th

Bear in mind that your flesh is weak and that no worldly thing can comfort or strengthen your spirit, for what is born of the world is world and what is born of the flesh is flesh. The good spirit is born only of the Spirit of God, who communicates…

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Friday, February 18th

What hope can we have of finding rest outside ourselves if we cannot be at rest within…well, believe me, if we don’t obtain and have peace in our own house we’ll not find it outside. Let this war be ended. – St. Teresa of Avila

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