Thursday, August 25th

The soul suffers many trials, for the Lord wants the poor gardener to think that all the trouble he has taken in watering the garden and keeping it alive is lost. Then is the proper time for weeding and rooting out the smaller plants, and this must be done, however…

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Wednesday, August 24th

That gaze of the soul at its Bridegroom inflames it with love. You can always look at Him. That sight of Jesus will bring you peace, if you are disturbed or exalted. It will fortify you, if you are cast down; it will bring you recollection, if you are dissipated.…

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Tuesday, August 23rd

Those who now desire to question God or receive some vision or revelation are guilty not only of foolish behavior but of also offending Him by not fixing their eyes entirely on Christ and by living with the desire for some other novelty. – St. John of the Cross

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Monday, August 22nd

When we have prayed to the Blessed Virgin and she has not given us what we asked for, we should let her do what she pleases, without insisting on our request; and after that let us not worry any more about it. – St. Therese

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Sunday, August 21st

If trials are not suffered for God, they are worth nothing; if they are suffered for Him, His Majesty adapts them to our strength. Thus, if we are so afraid of them it is because we are fainthearted. – St. Teresa of Avila

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Saturday, August 20th

How your life would be transformed if you were frequently with Jesus as with a friend! Do you perchance think that Jesus will not receive you as such? If you think such a thing, you would demonstrate that you do not know Him. He is all tenderness, all love for…

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Friday, August 19th

The remembrance of my faults humbles me, and helps me never to rely upon my own strength, which is mere weakness. More than all, it speaks to me of mercy and of love. When a soul with childlike trust casts her faults into Love’s all-devouring furnace, how can they escape…

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Thursday, August 18th

God is more pleased by one work, however small, done secretly, without desire that it be known, than a thousand done with desire that men know of them. The person who works for God with purest love not only cares nothing about whether men see him, but does not even…

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Wednesday, August 17th

Then gradually, he becomes very small and humble; he grows patient and indulgent toward the splinter in strange eyes because the beam in his own is brought into being; and, finally, he also learns to be patient with himself in the inexorable light of the divine Presence and to surrender…

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Tuesday, August 16th

To secure a hearing there is no need to recite set prayers composed for the occasion. . . .I have not the courage to search through books for beautiful prayers; they are so numerous, that it would only make my head ache, and besides, each one is more lovely than…

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