Tuesday, February 21st
Remember that you are in exile and therefore do not wish to act as if you were in your fatherland. -St. Mary Magdalen de’Pazzi
Remember that you are in exile and therefore do not wish to act as if you were in your fatherland. -St. Mary Magdalen de’Pazzi
It’s an amusing thing that even though we still have a thousand impediments and imperfections and our virtues have hardly begun to grow -and please, God, they might have begun- we are yet not ashamed to seek spiritual delights in prayer or to complain about dryness. – St. Teresa of…
His Majesty knows what is good for us; it is not for us to advise Him how to treat us, for He has the right to tell us that we know not what we ask. Remember, it is of the greatest importance- the sole aim of one beginning to practice…
There is so much to make reparation for, so much to ask, that I believe to fulfill such needs one must become a continual prayer, one must love much. The power of a soul given to love is so wonderful as we see from the beautiful example of St Mary…
Look not at the imperfections of others, keep silence and have continual converse with God. These three things will uproot great imperfections from the soul and make it mistress of great virtues. – St. John of the Cross
Do not worry…think of the God who is dwelling within you. -St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
It is not because I am good that our Lord granted me these favors, but that His goodness might be made manifest. Although I was so unworthy of grace, this Adorable Master sought me out that even when I was least occupied with the thought of Him, in order that…
It is the nature of perfect love to seek or accept nothing for itself, to attribute nothing to itself, but to refer all to the Beloved. If this be true of earthly love, how much more so of the love of God… -St. John of the Cross
No love is possible without the cross…and it is through crosses that love becomes fruitful, om condition that they be borne in a spirit of love, for without this spirit everything is sterile. -Sr. Marie Angelique of Jesus, OCD
See that you are not suddenly saddened by the adversities of this world, for you do not know the good they bring, being ordained in the judgments of God for the everlasting joy of the elect. – St. John of the Cross