Friday, March 3rd
He that seeks here any other thing than purely God and the salvation of his soul, will find nothing but trouble and sorrow. – St. Therese
He that seeks here any other thing than purely God and the salvation of his soul, will find nothing but trouble and sorrow. – St. Therese
My Jesus, I wish only to be emptied to please You. My feeling is not important- I could be as insensible as a stone (in my feelings) if only I know that I love You. I do not wish to feel happiness without knowing that You are happy. – St.…
Even though your obligations and duties are difficult and disagreeable to you, you should not become dismayed, for this will not always be so. And God, Who proves the soul by a precept under the guise of a trial, will after a time accord it the experience of its own…
Only he who is centered in Christ can be said to live – to understand what it really means to live. -Bl. Mary of Jesus of Toledo
Be indifferent in all things; and let it be the same to you to do one thing as to do another, to have one office as to have another. – St. Mary Magdalen de’Pazzi
It should be known that the Word, the Son of God, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, is hidden by his essence and his presence in the innermost being of the soul. Individuals who want to find him should leave all things through affection and will, enter within…
You will be consoled according to the greatness of your sorrow and affliction; the greater the suffering, the greater will be the reward. -St Mary Magdalen de’Pazzi, OCD
By God, of God, and for God, this is the final goal of every creature. -St. Teresa de los Andes
God is freeing my heart of every natural attraction, perhaps to make room there for purer things in which there will be only the desire for my neighbor’s good. – St. Raphael Kalinowsky
The soul that has given itself to God must give itself completely, for love leaves nothing for itself. Let it be consumed entirely so that from these ashes only one person may rise: Christ. The creature is consumed in the divinity. St. Teresa de los Andes