Wednesday, June 14th

My love discovers the charms Of Your Face adorned with tears. I smile through my own tears When I contemplate Your sorrows… Your beauty, which You know how to veil, Discloses for me all its mystery… Leave in me the Divine impress Of Your Features… – St. Therese

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Tuesday, June 13th

Each morn You come to me at early Mass, Your flesh and blood become my food and drink; And wonders are accomplished. Your body permeates mine mysteriously, I feel Your soul becoming one with mine: I am no longer what I used to be. You come and go, but still…

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Monday, June 12th

May nothing distract me from You, neither noise nor diversions. O my Master, I would so love to live with You in silence. But what I love above all is to do Your will, and since You want me still to remain in the world, I submit with all my…

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Sunday, June 11th

The Eucharist is truly the sacrament of union and at the same time it is the clearest and most convincing proof that God calls us and pleads with us to come to intimate union with Himself. -Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalene, OCD

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Thursday, June 8th

One ought to be careful not to devote oneself wholly and with too much solicitude to exterior occupations, to which it is expedient only to lend oneself as much as is necessary, keeping the rest (namely the mind and heart) for God. – St. Teresa Margaret Redi

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Tuesday, June 6th

Humility consists in complete recognition of one’s own nothingness in all things. A leather bag is best filled by being laid flat on the ground, and a bucket at a well does not fill with water unless it is lowered. As for me, I remain empty for want of being…

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Monday, June 5th

I am amused sometimes to see certain souls who think when they are at prayer that they would like to be humiliated and publicly insulted for God, and afterward they would hide a tiny fault if they could; or, if they have not committed one, and yet are charged with…

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