Monday, June 6th

Here one can only endeavor to live with ever greater fidelity and purity the life that one has chosen in order to offer it as an acceptable sacrifice for all those with whom one is united. – St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)

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Sunday, June 5th

I am content, nay, full of joy, to be without all consolation. I should be ashamed if my love were like that of earthly brides who are ever looking for gifts from their bridegrooms, or seeking to catch the smile which fills them with delight.  Therese, the little Spouse of…

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Saturday, June 4th

God thirsts for the love of His creatures. God Himself is our beggar. Let’s give ourselves to Him. Let’s not be stingy, because God is entirely goodness and generosity towards us. – St. Teresa of the Andes

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Thursday, June 2nd

Are you perhaps afraid that the abyss of the greatness of God and that of your nothingness cannot be united? There is love in him. His passionate love made him take flesh in order that by seeing a Man-God, we would not be afraid to draw near him. – St.…

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Wednesday, June 1st

Where we will be led on this earth we do not know, and we should not even ask about it beforehand. We know only that for those who love God, all things work to their good. And besides, we know that the ways of the Lord go beyond this earth.…

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