Wednesday, October 25th

I do not wish to store up merits for heaven, I want to work for Thy Love alone, with the single goal of pleasing Thee, of bringing consolation to Thy Sacred Heart and of saving souls who Thou wilt love eternally. – Pere Jacques

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Tuesday, October 24th

Let them trust in the mercy of God and not at all in themselves, and they will see how His Majesty brings them from the dwelling places of one stage to these of another and settles them in a land where these wild animals cannot touch or tire them, but…

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Saturday, October 21st

The soul loses itself, making no account whatever of itself but of the Beloved, resigning itself freely into His hands without any self-seeking.  It holds everything of no value unless it serves the beloved. -St. John of the Cross

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Friday, October 20th

I cannot understand how humility exists, or can exist, without love, or love without humility, and it is impossible for these two virtues to exist save where there is great detachment from all created things. – St. Teresa of Avila

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Tuesday, October 17th

Never take a man for your example in the tasks you have to perform, however holy he may be, for the devil will set his imperfection before you. But imitate Christ, who is supremely perfect and supremely holy, and you will never err. – St. John of the Cross

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Monday, October 16th

Live by will rather than by imagination. If you feel your weakness, God wants you to make use of it in order to make acts of the will which you will offer Him as so many acts of love … He so loves you and He so wants you for…

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