Monday, February 26th
We must serve our Lord; sow what is good around us without worrying about its growth. For us the labors; for Jesus, success! – St. Therese
We must serve our Lord; sow what is good around us without worrying about its growth. For us the labors; for Jesus, success! – St. Therese
Show us, then, O our good Master, some way in which we may live through this most dangerous warfare without frequent surprise. The best way that we can do this, daughters, is to use the love and fear given us by His Majesty. For love will make us quicken our…
True love accepts with perfect resignation, yes, even with joy, whatever comes it it from the hand of the Beloved, for ‘perfect love casts out fear’. -St. John of the Cross
My life begins anew each morning and ends each evening; beyond that I have no plans or intentions; that is, it may be part of one’s daily duties to plan ahead, but one must never worry about the next day. -St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)
The tree that is beside the running water is fresher and gives more fruit. – St. Teresa of Avila
What does it matter what we feel; He, He is the Unchanging One, He who never changes: He loves you today as He loved you yesterday and will love you tomorrow. -St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
Never fail to keep your heart at peace and in tender love, ready to suffer as things present themselves. -St. John of the Cross
It is important to know that our Lord is pleased with any service rendered to His Mother, and great is His mercy. -St. Teresa of Avila
Hide yourself in the Sacred Heart as in a desert. – St. John of the Cross
Love is nourished only by sacrifices, and the more a soul refuses natural satisfactions, the stronger and more disinterested becomes her tenderness. – St. Therese