Saturday, February 17th
Love is nourished only by sacrifices, and the more a soul refuses natural satisfactions, the stronger and more disinterested becomes her tenderness. – St. Therese
Love is nourished only by sacrifices, and the more a soul refuses natural satisfactions, the stronger and more disinterested becomes her tenderness. – St. Therese
So Sisters, if you love Him, strive that what you say to the Lord may not amount to mere polite words; strive to suffer what His Majesty desires you to suffer. For otherwise, when you give your will, it would be like showing a jewel to another, making a gesture…
Be very attentive to His voice, and remember that when He thus takes His place in a heart, it is to dwell there alone and apart. You understand what I mean … I am not referring to the religious life, which is the great break with the world, but to…
Desire to be empty and poor for Christ’s sake. This state must be embraced with a perfect heart and you must really want it. If your heart is truly engaged in these efforts you shall speedily attain to great joy and consolation. -St. John of the Cross
The more you feel your weakness, your difficulty in being recollected, the more the Master seems to hide Himself, the more you should rejoice, for then you are giving Him something, and is it not better to give than to receive, when one loves? -St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
You returned to your realm of light, and still remain hidden here to nourish us, in our vale of tears, with Holy Communion. -St. Therese
You, my God, have declared yourself my captain; you have raised the standard of the Cross, saying: ‘Take up the cross and follow in my footsteps.’ To correspond with this invitation, I promise to resist your love no longer; rather, I will follow you to Calvary without hesitation. – St.…
The journey of the ascent to God must be a perpetual struggle to make our desires cease, and the more earnest we are in this the sooner we shall reach the summit. -St. John of the Cross
Full of love you sink your gaze into mine, And bend your ear to my quiet words, And deeply fill my heart with peace. – St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein)
Courage then, O soul most beautiful! You now know that your Beloved dwells hidden within your own breast. Endeavor therefore to be truly hidden with Him. -St. John of the Cross