Tuesday, September 25th

The most potent and acceptable prayer is the prayer that leaves the best effects. I don’t mean it must immediately fill the soul with desire . . . The best effects are those that are followed up by actions…when the soul not only desires the honor of God, but really…

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Sunday, September 23rd

It is He alone who wants to work in you, even though you will have done nothing to attract this grace except that which a creature can do: works of sin and misery … He loves you like that. He loves you “more than these,” He will do everything in…

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Saturday, September 22nd

Love produces such likeness in this transformation of lovers that one can say each is the other and both are one. The reason is, that in the union and transformation of love, each gives possession of self to the other, and each leaves and exchanges self for the other. Thus…

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Friday, September 21st

With what peace, what serenity and recollection Mary rendered and gave herself to all things! How the most commonplace events were divinized by her, for she remained ever in adoration of the Gift of God. Nothing kept her from giving of herself outwardly when it was a question of performing…

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Thursday, September 20th

Oh how desirable is this union with God’s will! Happy is the soul that has reached it. Such a soul will live tranquilly in this life, and in the next as well. Nothing in earthly events afflicts it unless it finds itself in some danger of losing God or sees…

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Monday, September 17th

However wretched and imperfect my good works have been, this Lord of mine has been improving them, perfecting them and making them of greater worth, and yet hiding my evil deeds and my sins as soon as they have been committed. – St. Teresa of Avila

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