Hearthcake 10-6-18

To come to God who is everything and consequently all good, no fatigue must seem to us too great; we must not be put off either by the difficulties we meet on the way, but accept bitterness and welcome every kind of cross with eagerness. By these means, which are…

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Friday, October 5th

The soul, because its searching for the Beloved is real and its love great, will not leave undone anything it can do itself.  The soul that really loves God is not easygoing in its efforts to find the Son of God, the Beloved.  Even when it has done all it…

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Thursday, October 4th

But remember that the love of supernatural charity is not a sensible love, it is a love of the will, in which it is not necessary to feel. It consists only in an interior decision of the will, with which the soul give God preference over creatures and wants to…

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Tuesday, October 2nd

Just as we cannot stop the movement of the heavens, but they proceed in rapid motion, so neither can we stop our mind; and then the faculties of the soul go with it, and we think we are lost and have wasted the time spent before God. But the soul…

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Monday, October 1st

I understand very well why St. Peter fell. Poor Peter, he was relying upon himself instead of relying only upon God’s strength…Before Peter fell, Our Lord said to him: ‘And once you are converted, strengthen your brethren.’ This means: Convince them of the weakness of human strength through your own…

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Saturday, September 29th

If you put yourself completely into the hands of the Lord, you can trust that you are being guided safely. What you surrender to Him is never lost; it is preserved, purified, and elevated and balanced to the correct proportions. -St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)

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Thursday, September 27th

In savoring a finite joy the very most one can expect is to enfeeble and destroy our taste, leaving the palate wrecked; for all the sweetness there may be I’ll never throw away my soul… – St. John of the Cross Poem For All the Beauty there May Be

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