Tuesday, October 16th

I believe I see my task in a clearer and more precise way. This also means seeing my ineptitude ever more deeply, but at the same time also the possibility of being an instrument in spite of everything. – St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)

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Saturday, October 13th

Since Jesus wants to sleep why will I hinder Him? I am only too happy that He doesn’t bother with me, for He is showing me that I am not a stranger when treating me this way, for I assure you, He is going to no trouble about carrying on…

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Friday, October 12th

Abandonment! It is this which sets us free for God! … Oh! when all was in confusion, when the present had been so sad and the future seemed even worse, I closed my eyes, I abandoned myself as a child in the arms of its Father who is in heaven.…

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Wednesday, October 10th

I already told you elsewhere that sometimes the devil gives us great desires so that we will avoid setting ourselves to the task at hand, serving our Lord in possible things, and instead be content with having desired the impossible. Apart from the fact that by prayer you will be…

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Monday, October 8th

…it is supreme ignorance for the soul to think that it will be able to pass to this high estate of union with God if first it void not the desire of all things, natural and supernatural, which may hinder it…for there is the greatest possible distance between these things…

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Sunday, October 7th

Remember that there are few souls who stay with Him and follow Him in His trials…In many places He is neglected and ill-treated, but He suffers everything and will continue to do so, if He finds but one single soul which will receive Him and love to have Him as…

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