Saturday, February 23rd

Does He not see our anguish and the burden that weighs us down? Why does He not come and comfort us? …He knows that it is the only means of preparing us to know Him as He knows Himself, and to become ourselves Divine! -St. Therese

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Friday, February 22nd

One fall is not sufficient for a person to be lost nor are many, if they love You and not the things of the world. They journey in the valley of humility. I cannot understand what it is that makes people afraid of setting out on the road of perfection.…

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Wednesday, February 20th

O Mary, anyone who looks at you is comforted in any anxiety or tribulation or pain, and is victorious over any temptation. Anyone who does not know something about God, let him have recourse to you, O Mary. – St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi, OCD

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Saturday, February 16th

Many of these beginners want God to desire what they want, and they become sad if they have to desire God’s will. They frequently believe that what is not their will, or that which brings them no satisfaction, is not God’s will, and on the other hand, that if they…

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Thursday, February 14th

Who are you, sweet Light, who inundate me and enlighten the night of my heart? You guide me just like a mother’s hand; but if you leave me I cannot advance a single step. You are space that surrounds my being and in which it is concealed. If you abandon…

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