Tuesday, March 18th
Human hearts love one day and are indifferent the next. God alone does not change. – St. Teresa Margaret Redi
Human hearts love one day and are indifferent the next. God alone does not change. – St. Teresa Margaret Redi
Never complain of anyone, but turn the complaints against yourself; because if you do not succeed in doing what you long to do, how can you complain if others fail? -St. Teresa Margaret Redi
The mirror in which we ought to look at ourselves that we may reach divine union is Jesus Christ, because no one can attain it except by means of and through the merits of Jesus Crucified. – St. Teresa Margaret Redi
You are the true peace of the heart, You are its only rest; outside of You all things are hard and uneasy. -St. Therese
Since I have no other desire than to unite myself to the heart of Jesus, for that reason I try to keep up my effort in the practice of those virtues that can render me a true copy of my dear God. – St. Teresa Margaret Redi
When under the action of detachment and spiritual darkness, faith plants firm roots in the soul, hope and charity likewise flow into it; a charity that logically does not manifest itself by giving a sensation of sweetness, but rather by producing in the soul a strength, a more decisive courage,…
We are like so many foolish peasant lads: we think we know something of Thee, yet it must be comparatively nothing, for there are profound secrets even in ourselves of which we know naught. -St. Teresa of Avila
Midnight is not the time to greet a guest. Caution the doors against both foes and friends, and try to make the windows understand their unimportance when the daylight ends. Persuade the stairs to patience, and deny the passages their aimless to and fro. Virtue it is that puts a…
It is that much harder to let what belongs to us be taken without asking for it back. But the moment we accept this, we feel how light the burden is. – St. Therese
He wants you to go out from yourself to leave all preoccupations, in order to retire into that solitude which He is choosing for Himself in the depths of your heart. He is always there, even when you do not feel Him. He is waiting for you, to establish with…