Wednesday, August 14th
Oh, what annoying company we are to ourselves when Jesus is not present…but…He is not far away. He is right there, quite near and looking at us. Indeed, He is there begging us to offer Him our sorrow. – St. Therese
Oh, what annoying company we are to ourselves when Jesus is not present…but…He is not far away. He is right there, quite near and looking at us. Indeed, He is there begging us to offer Him our sorrow. – St. Therese
For Christ desire to enter into complete nakedness, emptiness and poverty in everything. -St. John of the Cross
The highest perfection obviously does not consist in interior delights or in great raptures or in visions or in the spirit of prophecy but in having our will so much in conformity with God’s will that there is nothing we know He wills that we do not want with all…
O my God and my Mercy! What shall I do so as not to undo the great things You’ve done for me? Your works are holy, they are just, they are priceless and done with great wisdom, since You, Lord, are wisdom itself. – St. Teresa of Avila
I’m going to be doing only one thing: I shall begin to sing what I must sing eternally; the mercies of the Lord. -St. Therese
The Savior hangs before you with a pierced heart. He has spilled his heart’s blood to win your heart. If you want to follow him in holy purity, your heart must be free of every earthly desire. Jesus, the Crucified, is to be the only object of your longings, your…
…ask Him to give us strength of soul to dig until we find this hidden treasure, which lies buried within our hearts, as I wish to show you if it please God to enable me. I said ‘strength of soul,’ that you might understand that strength of body is not…
I know that God makes use of me as an instrument and that neither by reason of my talents nor because of my services was I called to fill this position that I now occupy. To the blindest of men I am a striking proof of what faith can do,…
St. Augustine says we have two cities within us, the city of God and the city of Me. To the extent that the first increases, the second will be destroyed. – St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
In the light of eternity, God is making me understand many things and I come to tell you, as from Him, not to fear sacrifice and struggle, but rather to rejoice in it. If your nature provides you with … a battleground, do not be discouraged … love your wretchedness,…