Wednesday, May 29th

Let us gaze upon our Master and may this gaze of simple, loving faith separate us from all else, and place, as it were, a cloud between us and the things of the earth … let us keep everything for Him alone, and sing to the Lord with David, ‘I…

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Monday, May 27th

Spiritual substance cannot be communicated to the senses, and anything imparted to the sense, especially in this life, cannot be pure spirit, since sense is incapable of it. -St. John of the Cross

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Monday, May 20th

Think how Our Lady must have felt when, after the Incarnation, she possessed within her the Incarnate Word, the gift of God! In what depths of silence, of recollection, of adoration, she must have lived in the center of her soul, in order to embrace that God whose Mother she…

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