Wednesday, November 4th

No one can make me frightened anymore, because I know what to believe about His mercy and His love; I know that, in the twinkling of an eye, all those thousands of sins would be consumed as a drop of water cast into a blazing fire. -St. Therese

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Tuesday, November 3rd

The most profound expression we can give to faith is to set aside an inviolable time each day, no matter how short, when we deliberately affirm God’s absolute love for me here and now and that we stay there in blind trusting faith, receiving it. – Ruth Burrows

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Monday, November 2nd

What would it matter were I to remain in purgatory until judgment day if through my prayer I could save even one soul? How much less would it matter if my prayer is to the advantage of many and for the honor of the Lord. Pay no attention to sufferings…

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Sunday, November 1st

Oh how desirable is this union with God’s will! Happy is the soul that has reached it. Such a soul will live tranquilly in this life, and in the next as well. Nothing in earthly events afflicts it unless it finds itself in some danger of losing God or sees…

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Wednesday, October 28th

Strive to get to know Jesus who is the intimate Friend of our souls. In Him is found the tenderness of a mother to an infinite degree: comfort to those who are suffering, strength to fulfill our obligations. Gaze at Jesus annihilated in the manger, on the Cross, in the…

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Monday, October 26th

Always be more disposed toward giving to others than giving to yourself, and thus you will not be envious of nor selfish toward your neighbor. This is to be understood from the viewpoint of perfection, for God is angered with those who do not give precedence to His good pleasure…

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