Monday, December 28th
Courage my sister, the yoke of a Carmelite if necessarily very light or very heavy in proportion as one’s courage bear it or one’s cowardice drags it. – Teresa of St. Augustine, OCD
Courage my sister, the yoke of a Carmelite if necessarily very light or very heavy in proportion as one’s courage bear it or one’s cowardice drags it. – Teresa of St. Augustine, OCD
Midnight is not the time to greet a guest. Caution the doors against both foes and friends, and try to make the windows understand their unimportance when the daylight ends. Persuade the stairs to patience, and deny the passages their aimless to and fro. Virtue it is that puts a…
It is that much harder to let what belongs to us be taken without asking for it back. But the moment we accept this, we feel how light the burden is. – St. Therese
To be a child of God, that means to be led by the hand of God, to do the will of God, not one’s own will, to place every care and every hope in the hand of God and not to worry about oneself or one’s future. On this rests…
At the evening of life, you will be examined in love. -St. John of the Cross
I realize that we aren’t all made alike. For me, God’s infinite mercy is the quality that stands out in my life, and when I contemplate and adore God’s other perfections, it’s against this background of mercy all the time. -St. Therese
In savoring a finite joy the very most one can expect is to enfeeble and destroy our taste, leaving the palate wrecked; for all the sweetness there may be I’ll never throw away my soul… – St. John of the Cross
God is freeing my heart of every natural attraction, perhaps to make room there for purer things in which there will be only the desire for my neighbor’s good. – St. Raphael Kalinowski
Against all the movements of like and dislike the Lord’s precept is set: “Thou must love thy neighbor as thyself.” That applies without conditions or reductions. The neighbor is not he whom I like. It is everyone who approaches me, without exception. And again it enjoins, “Thou canst, so thou…
More effective than the mortification one practices according to one’s own choice is the cross that God lays upon one, exteriorly and interiorly. – St. Teresa Benedicta