Wednesday, November 25th

The soul that wants to serve God day and night in his temple-I mean this interior sanctuary of which St. Paul speaks when he says, “The temple of God is holy and you are that temple,” this soul must be resolved to share fully in its Master’s passion. -St. Elizabeth…

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Tuesday, November 24th

We shall not give up on love. Love will gain back for us the hearts of these pagans. Nature is stronger than theory: let theory condemn and reject love and call it weakness; the living witness of love will always renew the power which will conquer and capture the hearts…

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Sunday, November 22nd

When aglow with love, the soul ponders within itself God’s immensity, His faithfulness, the proofs of love He has shown us, His benefits to us … the humble soul will never put God high enough nor itself low enough. But this is the wonderful thing: its powerlessness will be turned…

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Saturday, November 21st

It is clear, then, that for the soul to come to unite itself perfectly with God through love and will, it must first be free from all desire of the will, howsoever slight. That is, that it must not intentionally and knowingly consent with the will to imperfections, and it…

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Friday, November 20th

One does not die carrying the cross. And yet to pass completely through the night, the man of sin has to die. He can abandon himself to crucifixion, but he cannot crucify himself. That is why the operation has to be brought to completion by God himself. -St. Teresa Benedicta…

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Monday, November 16th

One cannot attain the end without adopting the means, and as Our Lord made me understand that it was by the Cross He would give me souls, the more crosses I met with the stronger grew my attraction to suffering. – St. Therese

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