Saturday, January 23rd

Our work in the midst of others will be efficacious and blessed by God only if we do not yield even one centimeter of the sure ground of our faith, and if we follow our conscience without letting ourselves be influenced by human respect. – St. Teresa Benedicta

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Friday, January 22nd

Since, O my God, You inspire me to make myself like You in everything, as much as I can, I want particularly to imitate You in those virtues that are so pleasing to Your most loving Heart, namely: humility, meekness, and obedience. – St. Teresa Margaret Redi

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Thursday, January 21st

…Sunday must be a great door through which celestial life can enter into everyday life, and strength for the work of the entire week, and how the great feasts, holidays, and seasons of lent, lived though in the spirit of the Church permit the soul to mature the more from…

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Tuesday, January 19th

Do not…be downcast if you have not responded immediately to Our Lord’s voice, for His Majesty is willing to wait for us many a day and even many a year, especially when He sees perseverance and good desires in our hearts. – St. Teresa of Avila

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Sunday, January 17th

In the first place, we ought to be astonished by this fact: when we praise God or give him thanks for his benefits in general, we are not particularly concerned whether or not our prayer is acceptable to him. On the other hand, we demand to see the results of…

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Saturday, January 16th

Souls are guarded jealously in the heart of God and what we think we sometimes understand of our soul is nonetheless always a fleeting reflection of that which will remain God’s secret until the day in which everything will come to light. The hope in this future revelation gives me…

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Friday, January 15th

God created the child who knows only how to make his feeble cries heard; He has created the poor savage who has nothing but the natural law to guide him. It is to their hearts that God deigns to lower Himself. These are the wild flowers whose simplicity attracts Him.…

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