Wednesday, July 7th

As we said, the soul is not united with God in this life through understanding, or through enjoyment, or through imagination, or through any other sense; but only faith, hope, and charity (according to the intellect, memory, and will) can unite the soul with God in this life. -St. John…

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Monday, July 5th

I believe that if we desire to make room for His Majesty, He will give not only this (gentle drawing inward) but more, and give it to those whom He begins to call to advance further. -St. Teresa of Avila

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Sunday, July 4th

If we thought more about our ‘origin’, dependence on created things would seem so futile that we should only despise them… The soul that is aware of this greatness enters into the holy freedom of the children of God, that is, it passes beyond all created things and beyond itself.…

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Saturday, July 3rd

If you want to find a hidden treasure you must enter the hiding place secretly, and once you have discovered it, you will also be hidden just as the treasure is hidden. Since, then, your beloved Bridegroom is the treasure hidden in a field for which the wise merchant sold…

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Friday, July 2nd

God gave us faculties for our use; each of them will receive its proper reward. Then do not let us try to charm them to sleep, but permit them to do their work until divinely called to something higher. – St. Teresa of Avila

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Thursday, July 1st

Behold, these are not the times to believe everyone; believe only those who you see are walking in conformity with Christ’s life…Believe firmly what Holy Mother Church holds, and you can be sure you will be walking along a good path. -St. Teresa of Avila

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Wednesday, June 30th

Abandonment! It is this which sets us free for God! … Oh! when all was in confusion, when the present had been so sad and the future seemed even worse, I closed my eyes, I abandoned myself as a child in the arms of its Father who is in heaven.…

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