Saturday, June 1st
God thirsts for the love of His creatures. God Himself is our beggar. Let’s give ourselves to Him. Let’s not be stingy, because God is entirely goodness and generosity towards us. – St. Teresa of the Andes
God thirsts for the love of His creatures. God Himself is our beggar. Let’s give ourselves to Him. Let’s not be stingy, because God is entirely goodness and generosity towards us. – St. Teresa of the Andes
Reflect that your guardian angel does not always move your desire for an action, but he does always enlighten your reason. Hence, in order to practice virtue do not wait until you feel like it, for your reason and intellect are sufficient. -St. John of the Cross
Here one can only endeavor to live with ever greater fidelity and purity the life that one has chosen in order to offer it as an acceptable sacrifice for all those with whom one is united. – St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)
Be careful never to waste an occasion for mortification by complaining. – St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)
“When I think how much I have to acquire!” said a sister to St. Therese. “Say rather ‘to lose’” Therese answered, “for Jesus has charge of filling your soul with virtues as fast as you will get rid of the imperfections.” – St. Therese
It is enough to humble ourselves to bear patiently our imperfections. There lies true sanctity for us. – St. Therese
If I look at things from an earthly standpoint I see loneliness and even emptiness, for I cannot say that my heart has not suffered; but if I keep my eyes fixed upon Him, my shining Star, then all the rest vanishes and I lose myself as a drop of…
God highly esteems these works…done for him in aridity and hardship, for by such means the virtues and gifts are acquired in a high degree. Those acquired through this labor are for the most part more select, refined, and stable than if they were obtained with spiritual relish and enjoyment,…
It is by the Blood of the cross that He will make peace in my little heaven, so that it may truly be the repose of the Three. He will fill me with Himself; He will bury me with Him; He will make me live again with Him, by His…
In what can we not humble ourselves after a God who has so humbled Himself for us? – St. Teresa Margaret Redi