Saturday, October 5th

Our good God ardently desires to give us the great treasure of His love; but He wants us to ask Him for it insistently, and to act in such a way that each work we perform will be a request for this love. – St. Teresa Margaret Redi

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Thursday, October 3rd

Divine spirit, divine life, divine love means this: he who does the will of God, knows God and loves Him. In fact, at the moment in which we do what God asks, with interior dedication, divine life becomes our life, God is found within ourselves. – St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith…

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Tuesday, October 1st

There is no time (Communion) when I have less consolation-yet this is not to be wondered at, since it is not for my own satisfaction that I desire to receive Our Lord but solely to give Him pleasure. – St. Therese

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