Thursday, October 19th

I desire your progress, but it strikes me that enough has already been said and written for the attainment of everything you need. If anything is lacking it is not writing and speaking, but in silence and work. -St. John of the Cross

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Tuesday, October 17th

O Lord, it is no longer just a veil that hides You from me, but a thick high wall…It is hard, after having felt so near You! But I am ready to remain in this state for as long as it pleases You to leave me in it, my Beloved,…

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Monday, October 9th

He has borne with many offences and much unworthiness in you, yet these have not sufficed to make Him turn away; is it much to ask that you should sometimes shift your gaze from earthly things to fix it on Him? -St. Teresa of Avila

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Saturday, October 7th

When you speak with a Lord so great, you should think of Who it is you are addressing and what you yourself are, if only that you may speak to Him with proper respect. How can you address a king with the reverence he deserves unless you are clearly conscious…

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