Sunday, August 20th
How easy it is to please Jesus, to ravish His Heart. We have merely to love Him, while, at the same time, forgetting ourselves. -St. Therese
How easy it is to please Jesus, to ravish His Heart. We have merely to love Him, while, at the same time, forgetting ourselves. -St. Therese
If you want to find a hidden treasure you must enter the hiding place secretly, and once you have discovered it, you will also be hidden just as the treasure is hidden. Since, then, your beloved Bridegroom is the treasure hidden in a field for which the wise merchant sold…
She no longer feels “hunger or thirst,” for in spite of her consuming desire for Beatitude, she is satisfied by this food which was her Master’s: “The will of the Father.” “She no longer feels the heat of the sun,” that is, she no longer suffers from suffering. Then the…
Mary, who kept all God’s words in her heart, in the fullness of grace granted her, understood the great value of suffering. While the apostles fled,she went out to meet the Saviour on the way to Calvary and stood beneath the cross, in order to share His grief and shame…
Life is only a dream: soon we shall awaken. And what joy! The greater our sufferings, the more limitless our glory. Do not let us waste the trials Jesus sends. – St. Therese
It is vital for individuals to make acts of love in this life so that in being perfected in a short time they may not be detained long, either here on earth or in the next life before seeing God. – St. John of the Cross
There are not two doctrines of St. John of the Cross, one for religious and one for seculars; there is only one, which applies to all Christians indiscriminately and does not require a special state of life, but only a disposition of will, namely the disposition of not wanting to…
Humility has an excellent feature: when it is present in a work, that work does not leave in the soul a feeling of frustration. – St. Teresa of Avila
We need sacrifice, renouncement to our own will to reach complete union with Our Lord. – St. Teresa de los Andes
God never changes. Patience obtains everything. God alone is enough. – St. Teresa of Avila