Sunday, September 20th

After God places these three last kinds of good in the soul, he no longer remembers her former ugliness and sin, as he declares through Ezekiel [Ez. 18:22], for on account of these goods she is very agreeable to him. And once he has blotted out this sin and ugliness,…

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Tuesday, September 15th

Many of these beginners …feel an aversion toward adapting their will to God’s. Hence they frequently believe that what is not their will, or brings them no satisfaction, is not God’s will, and, on the other hand, that if they are satisfied, God is too. They measure God by themselves…

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Sunday, September 13th

Some are very insistent that their spiritual director allow them to do what they themselves want to do…They are under the impression that they do not serve God when they are not allowed to do what they want. -St. John of the Cross

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