Monday, January 21st

God is love, and love is goodness giving itself away. It is a fullness of being that does not want to remain enclosed in itself, but rather to share itself with others, to give itself to them and to make them happy. – St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)

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Saturday, January 19th

There may come a day when my glory will sing to Him, and when my conscience will not feel compunction, where all sighs and fears will have ceased; but in the meantime, in silence and hope will be my strength. – St. Teresa of Avila

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Friday, January 18th

If your nature provides you with … a battleground, do not be discouraged … love your wretchedness, for it is upon that that God exercises His mercy! When the sight of it plunges you into sadness, or drives you in upon yourself, that is self-love. In your hours of weakness,…

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Monday, January 14th

The real happiness in this valley of tears, is doing God’s will in everything. Only the person who seeks happiness in this way – avoiding all worry about the difficulties, sorrows and sufferings with which one may be afflicted – will find that happiness. – St. Raphael Kalinowski

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Saturday, January 12th

In spite of all her wisdom she (Mary) asked the angel: How can this be? But after he answered. The Holy Spirit will come upon you; the power of the Most High will overshadow you, she engaged in no further discussion. As one who had such great faith and wisdom,…

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