Friday, February 17th

O my God, Trinity whom I adore; help me to forget myself entirely that I may be established in You as still and as peaceful as if my soul were already in eternity. May nothing trouble my peace or make me leave You, O my Unchanging One, but may each…

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Thursday, February 16th

So I will go to the altar of God. Here it is not a question of my minute petty affairs, but of the great offering of reconciliation. I may participate in that, purify myself and be made happy, and lay myself with all my doings and troubles along with the…

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Wednesday, February 15th

…the practice of these three things helps us to posses inwardly and outwardly the peace our Lord recommended so highly to us. The first of these is love for one another, the second is detachment from all created things; the third is true humility, which, even though I speak of…

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Tuesday, February 14th

Just as the angels in heaven incessantly sing His praises, so does a Carmelite echo those praises here on earth, whether near to the tabernacle where God who is Love lives imprisoned, or in the intimate depths of her soul’s heaven, where faith tells her God dwells.  Our vocation’s objective…

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Monday, February 13th

It is possible to remain little even in the most responsible position, and besides is it not written, that at the last day ‘The Lord will arise and save the meek and lowly ones of the earth’?  He does not say ‘to judge’ but ‘to save!’ -St. Therese

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Saturday, February 11th

He who does not hold the reins of his whole being tightly in his hand is not at all at the height where he can make his decisions with true Freedom: on the contrary he will always be subject to exterior influences. – St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein)

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