Monday, September 19th

Those who now desire to question God or receive some vision or revelation are guilty not only of foolish behavior but of also offending Him by not fixing their eyes entirely on Christ and by living with the desire for some other novelty. – St. John of the Cross

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Sunday, September 18th

The soul that has given itself to God must give itself completely, for love leaves nothing for itself.  Let it be consumed entirely so that from these ashes only one person may rise: Christ.  The creature is consumed in the divinity. -St. Teresa of the Andes

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Saturday, September 17th

A work done without a feeling of pleasure is more pleasing to God than many others done with great delight and feeling. Therefore, when you find yourself in a state of dryness and depression, be glad and exult that God has deigned to give you those greater gifts and sweetest…

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Friday, September 16th

Nothing is accomplished without effort, without struggle. In our better moments, we no longer shed tears over our own weaknesses or over those of others, but we recall what was interiorly said to St. Paul: My grace is sufficient for you; in union with me you can do all things.…

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Thursday, September 15th

With regard to the fear about whether or not I was in the state of grace, He (Jesus) told me: “Daughter, light is very different from darkness. I am faithful. Nobody will be lost unknowingly. They who find security in spiritual favors will be deceived. True security is the testimony…

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Wednesday, September 14th

O Eternal Word, Word of my God, I want to spend my life in listening to You, to become wholly teachable that I may learn all from You. Then, through all nights, all voids, all helplessness, I want to gaze on You always and remain in Your great light. O…

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Monday, September 12th

That is the whole life of Carmel; to live in Him, then, all sacrifices, all immolations become divine, for through everything the soul sees Him whom it loves and everything leads it to Him; it is a continual heart to heart exchange! You see that you can already be a…

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