Monday, July 11th

It seems to me that if our sacrifices take Jesus captive, our joys make Him prisoner too. All that is needed to attain this is that, instead of giving ourselves over to selfish happiness, we offer to our Spouse the little joys He scatters in our path to charm our…

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Saturday, July 9th

It is noteworthy that this general knowledge is at times so delicate (especially when purer, simpler, and more perfect), spiritual, and interior that the soul does not perceive or feel it, even though employed with it. – St. John of the Cross

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Friday, July 8th

…if you see a person praised, the Lord wants you to be much happier than if you yourself were being praised. This, indeed, is easy, for if you have humility you will feel sorry to see yourself praised. But this happiness that comes when the virtues of the Sisters are…

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Monday, July 4th

Do not let your weakness make you unhappy. When, in the morning, we feel no courage or strength for the practice of virtue, it is really a grace: it is the time to ‘lay the ax to the root of the trees,’ (Matt. 3:10) relying upon Jesus alone. If we…

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Sunday, July 3rd

There is no way to catch in words the sublime things of God…The appropriate language for the person receiving these favors is that he understand them, experience them within himself, enjoy them, and be silent. – St. John of the Cross

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Saturday, July 2nd

When I am in this state of spiritual dryness, unable to pray, or to practice virtue, I look for little opportunities, for the smallest trifles, to give pleasure to Jesus; a smile or a kind word, for instance, when I would wish to be silent, or to show that I…

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